Don't business cards still mean nowadays that you are official? You have a business card, you give a business card, you get someone else's business card - that makes it official, right? So anyway, my FREE (as previously ranted about!) business cards arrived yesterday, and I do like them. I keep looking at them over & over again, like I am going to find a spelling mistake, which my husband knows, is a pet peeve of mine. Not really a pet peeve, more like a quirk. I see spelling mistakes ALL the time, and point them out ALL the time. But now, I just someone to give them to...that's my next goal.
While waiting for my artwork to come to fruition, I have listed several things in my Etsy store. I have almost 200 acrylic CD's. They protect the top & bottom of a ream of blank CD's that we get for my day time job. We go through a lot of CD's, so needless to say, I have a lot of acrylic CD's. They don't hold music, and we can't use them for anything at work, but I can't bear to throw them away, so over time, I have collected them. I thought maybe I would sell some on Etsy. They are great for all kinds of projects - I keep hoping someone who is planning for a VBS or Children's Camp somewhere will buy some...I would give them a good deal!!
I have also listed some of our duplicate Vintage Cocktail Recipe Glass Shakers. We had 6 of them that we have duplicated through our adventures. I would really like to sell those to someone who would appreciate them. We currently have 17 different ones, so really, we don't need to keep the extras, plus we have run out of room for any more on the shelves over our family room windows. Priced to sell - if someone would like all 6, I will sell them to you for $25, plus S/H!!
OK, gonna get busy on the artwork this weekend...I can feel it! After all that is the goal, right? As I received in my fortune cookie from my wonderful Vietnamese Beef Pho Soup that I had for lunch today..."As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every moment of time." Yep, gonna get busy this weekend!